Hello all, it has been a busy time for me. Several new stories published in Amazon. I have returned to college, to advance my career day job... So I decided to start a series of blogs about great writer reference books I have found, ones that have been recommended etc. I am re-reading my favorite writers reference books. I have so many, I admit it!!
Being the reader that I am, I have course have to read good books again.
I also want to give accolades to all the authors who have written theses wonderful books, and it's helped me become a better writer.
The current book I'm reading is called Creating Characters; How to build story people...it is written by Dwight V. Swan
This is a fantastic read, I am enjoying it thoroughly..for the second time. This time however I'm going through each chapter and highlighting things I love, quotes etc.
I may be a bit highlighter crazy because I'm back in college, but it's necessary on different levels I think. By using the different colors you categorize items according to what's important to you..for example Quotes, yellow. Important points, pink. Green writer prompts, blue humorous tales about writing dilemmas.
Here is another awesome quote: How do you adapt the characters you zero in on to your story? Alfred Hitchcock put it well: "first you decide what the characters are going to do, and then you provide them with enough characteristics to make it plausible that they should do it." This is such a fantastic point. I have read so many stories with fantastical themes, and other worlds... But unless I can believe that character should be there, unless that author gives me concrete plausible facts, I have no interest in reading further!
I start this series of blogs this week after my extended hiatus. Thank you for your readership.
I start this series of blogs this week after my extended hiatus. Thank you for your readership.