Friday, March 20, 2015

The Writer chooses the names, The Reader brings them to life! (Is a name, just a name?)

I am sure you have all read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, it was required reading when I was in high school. I fell in love with Will Shakespeare words, before I fell in love with a guy. His language was so romantic and it sounded cool not matter how many different ways you spoke it, or how many different accents used. (This was a fun activity in drama class BTW.) I read every play. I knew every word to Romeo and Juliet.
 Yet, I wonder if I would have loved William Shakespeare had his name been something different like. Albert or Elmer? As Shakespeare said: "What is in a name? That which we call a Rose, by any other name would it smell as sweet."

This brings me to my point this week, How important is a name? Does it really matter? Does it change our opinion of the story or the character. For example my name is Jessica. I am not a fan of my name I will tell you why: Everyone has it. All through grade school, middle school, high school, even college I had at least 5 Jessica's in every class, they had to come up with nicknames sometimes it was terrible. I mean I am grateful my parents didn't name me something weird but, I would have liked something less popular.  I truly think a name has a major impact on the story and its audience.
I mean no matter how gorgeous the guy is described if his name is: Sir Oliver Loser... the first thing that comes to mind is Loser right? Even if the guy is amazing you'll be thinking during the whole book, hes a loser. I have seen this in lots of books. It somewhat ruins the story for me. The other one that frustrates me is names I cannot pronounce. Changing the spelling of common names is great too; Like Jayson, or Mykel. However,it needs to be the same pronunciation, something similar or you have lost the audience in a name. This is a point my college creative writing teachers really pressed upon. I have never forgotten it either.  So ethnic and historical names are great if the general audience can understand them, and say them. Otherwise it is difficult to become part of that characters life and there world if you are not connected, and it begins through the name.  To me the name draws you attention on the back of the book, just like the title and cover draws you attention in the front. This is just my opinion though. I am an avid reader and as such I am looking for these things all the time. My hope is that it will make me a better writer too.

This week I was putting together my extensive cast list for my four book series.
As I was going through my list I realized I had four different Jack's?? What? Now mind you some of these names and characters are ones I had written over ten years ago with the start of this book. So I checked out baby name web sites, and checked out baby name books from the library. I love doing this because I feel like my characters are my kids so I take care when naming them just like you would with your own child. As your child grows so does the amount of friends they have etc. Also I realized a whole family didn't have names, etc. So I thoroughly enjoyed myself while naming them all and there children. I even wrote little bios for each of them. It is silly, but my family has grown larger so I have become attached lol, to them. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet; a name was the enemy, it was what kept Romeo and Juliet apart. It makes for a very dramatic play and story.
Characters and Secondary characters are what makes up a story. Some of my teachers had a firm belief that the secondary characters need to have as much back-story as the main characters. This works great for me because, I write in series so the same characters carry on to their own stories. This was a hugs drawback when I first began my story. I loved my secondary characters so much, I would jump from head to head, voice to voice, taking away from my love story and my heroine and hero. That I have learned is not what you want to do. I have learned to mention things small and little things here and their instead of huge monologues by them.
The coolest thing about a name I think is what it means to you, why did you chose it? When I chose the name, I can see the person, and they start to be real, it was an amazing discovery this week. With all that research in names, and characters, and small bios, I found new story ideas, and new scenes I can add etc. it opens doors when you find the right name. Keep in mind though when you are dealing with a period piece or a historical novel you need to make sure the name is accurate. I am pretty sure they didn't have all the Apples, and Kelsey's, and Maddison's that they do now. So its always important with cultural references too, specific cultures chose specific names based on religion, beliefs, family etc. so all those need to be considered too.

~Life is a work in progress as writing is...Until next time readers, and hopeful writers. Jess =)

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Writer who continues to learn, The Reader who continues to be inspired!

 I have discovered that everyday, I learn something new! It is fascinating to me! You think that after you reach a certain age you stop learning. I am happy to say, I am not one of those people. I think that the same thing applies to writing, it is a constant learning experience. When I started this blog I truly believed I had written a masterpiece. It was a marvel lol. Well maybe not that dramatic. Then I let others read it, I received great feedback, and then some that made me think? They wanted more details?  My logical and analytical mind had deleted those. I had convinced myself they were not necessary? Another person said they fell asleep because they were too tired to finish it. That at first upset me. Then I see how hard she works and I understood. My story was not memorable? I also realized I could print this copy tomorrow on amazon for free, but would it be my best work? Would it be something people would not want to put down, and be anxious for more? In its current state I think it is good but not great. I am sure I have not met any writers that believe there work is not great or a marvel. I am positive they are like me though and eventually see that is it incomplete and needs more. Everyone listens to there doubts and wonders if that is true this time its true. I am convinced that the feedback... I have received is positive and it is pushing me more to make something better. SO I am! For this I am so grateful for having the courage to share my book with others. It has been anxiety and stress filled with a wonderful result. I recommend it to all writers. Be Brave and let your baby walk to to others. You will see her differently not with rose colored glasses!
 I have had a few epiphanies lately with my Male characters. I have been developing back story for my second book and I realized, I had hardly a page of back story for the supposed finished first story. Why? Well because I had let my doubts take over, and I edited it too much. I read so many others say details take away from story. I have a tendency to listen to complete strangers in books more then trust my own instincts and inner writer voice. I have finally realized my writing includes these details, my scenes breath because of them and without those little details my page is bland and uninteresting. There were also complete scenes I had removed, when others read it, they asked what? Why did that happen?  I have all these wonderful ideas tucked into my head. I had not put them on paper yet because, I was not sure how they would affect my plot. Now I have discovered the key to blend them all together through out book one and book two! Had I sent this out already I would have not seen this, an had I kept my baby locked up tight and never shared it, I would have never looked at it as a READER. I have discovered, in order to be a good WRITER I have to be a good reader too. I have also figured out the reason so many people get rejected by editors is because they spend so much time making the story average and marketable they lose their voice. That is when the original story leaves and mediocre story begins. I will not have a mediocre story!
 This wave of discoveries has been a breakthrough for me. In conjunction with my epiphanies, I have also discovered that music plays a large part in my writing as well. I have developed playlists for each of my stories, the vibe I was thinking of and in doing so I have found so much inspiration in the melodies and the lyrics. I have loved music all my life. I have never thought it effected my writing? It does immensely in a positive way. Three songs have really inspired me lately. "Try" by Colbie Cailat, "Human" by Christina Perri, "Begin Again" by Taylor Swift. They are three songs that really describe my girl to a tee, and it is so cool listening to them and seeing my character come to life. Its like that quote below.
I am a reader, and I adore quotes. Sometimes I spend hours looking for them. I am particularly fond of ones about writing. I find one that speaks to me, encourages me, and uplifts me as a writer. Which might sound cheesy but it is true with all quotes I think we are constantly looking for that one quoted that fills us with hope or happiness and gets us through to next faze. Then once you have that it seems all else falls into place. This week alone I have wrote over 100 pages in the book that was already finished! It is funny because I am reading it and seeing all these things I thought I added, and realize I had taken them out on one of my editing nights. I lost a lot of my creative voice when I started listening to my logical and analytical one! I need to block those two out with more music I think!!
 So my fellow readers&writers, be anxious for my published work, but know that time is not now. It is still something I am perfecting. The wait I hope will be worth it for all of us. Also never stop listening to"that inner voice that says this isn't right." It is your characters telling you their story is not done, it needs to be more, it needs those extra details and dimensions to make it memorable not like every other book out their.
~Life is a work in progress as writing is...Until next time readers, and hopeful writers. Jess =)