I am sure you have all read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, it was required reading when I was in high school. I fell in love with Will Shakespeare words, before I fell in love with a guy. His language was so romantic and it sounded cool not matter how many different ways you spoke it, or how many different accents used. (This was a fun activity in drama class BTW.) I read every play. I knew every word to Romeo and Juliet.
Yet, I wonder if I would have loved William Shakespeare had his name been something different like. Albert or Elmer? As Shakespeare said: "What is in a name? That which we call a Rose, by any other name would it smell as sweet."
I mean no matter how gorgeous the guy is described if his name is: Sir Oliver Loser... the first thing that comes to mind is Loser right? Even if the guy is amazing you'll be thinking during the whole book, hes a loser. I have seen this in lots of books. It somewhat ruins the story for me. The other one that frustrates me is names I cannot pronounce. Changing the spelling of common names is great too; Like Jayson, or Mykel. However,it needs to be the same pronunciation, something similar or you have lost the audience in a name. This is a point my college creative writing teachers really pressed upon. I have never forgotten it either. So ethnic and historical names are great if the general audience can understand them, and say them. Otherwise it is difficult to become part of that characters life and there world if you are not connected, and it begins through the name. To me the name draws you attention on the back of the book, just like the title and cover draws you attention in the front. This is just my opinion though. I am an avid reader and as such I am looking for these things all the time. My hope is that it will make me a better writer too.
This week I was putting together my extensive cast list for my four book series.

Characters and Secondary characters are what makes up a story. Some of my teachers had a firm belief that the secondary characters need to have as much back-story as the main characters. This works great for me because, I write in series so the same characters carry on to their own stories. This was a hugs drawback when I first began my story. I loved my secondary characters so much, I would jump from head to head, voice to voice, taking away from my love story and my heroine and hero. That I have learned is not what you want to do. I have learned to mention things small and little things here and their instead of huge monologues by them.
The coolest thing about a name I think is what it means to you, why did you chose it? When I chose the name, I can see the person, and they start to be real, it was an amazing discovery this week. With all that research in names, and characters, and small bios, I found new story ideas, and new scenes I can add etc. it opens doors when you find the right name. Keep in mind though when you are dealing with a period piece or a historical novel you need to make sure the name is accurate. I am pretty sure they didn't have all the Apples, and Kelsey's, and Maddison's that they do now. So its always important with cultural references too, specific cultures chose specific names based on religion, beliefs, family etc. so all those need to be considered too.
~Life is a work in progress as writing is...Until next time readers, and hopeful writers. Jess =)